Tuesday, October 11, 2016

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

SEP Introit
488/477 There’s a Wideness In God’s Mercy
442/449 O God Our Help in Ages Past
SEP Communion
33/425 Humbly, Lord, We Worship You
634/571 God Of Our Fathers
Tonight at practice (7:30 in church) we will keep learning the Gibbons Kyrie, Worthy Is the Lamb, and if we have time, we'll start the Ave Very Corpus and record the chant Sanctus for Seton's website.
We'll also take a few minutes and go over the handbook briefly and address any questions you might have.

Fair warning:. Tonight when you come into practice, the music area is going to look a little different.  I'm still working on it, so know that this isn't permanent.  We're trying to figure out the what the best use of our limited space would be.
Thank you for good singing this weekend.  I heard good vowels and good tone consistently throughout all the Masses.  Between hearing you all sound so good and seeing Fr. Rob Jack return, this weekend was a very good one!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

Come Now, Almighty King (Unison) 715/307
Psalm and alleluia will be SATB
For the Healing of the Nations (Unison)435/463
SEP 28th Sunday
Gift of Finest Wheat (Unison)324/526
    Mary's Song 707/337
God, We Praise You 40/401

5- Louise
7:30 - Marc
9 - Gayle
10:30 - Deborah
12 - Lissy