Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Easter V and First Communion at Seton

This weekend is the 5th Sunday of Easter, and it is also - on Saturday - the First Communion Mass for many of our young parishioners.  Here is the Lineup:

Note that the Propers of the Mass will be taken from the Feast of Corpus Christi - NOT from Easter V.
Prelude:  Introit SEP pg 164 - from the Feast of Corpus Christi
Entrance:   546  All Creatures of Our God and King
Psalm:  I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people.
Offertory:   578  Alleluia No. 1
Communion: SEP pg167 from feast of Corpus Christi
 370  Panis Angelicus  70 Regina Caeli
Closing:  742  Alleluia! Sing to Jesus

This Saturday, Deb will sing Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus as a solo, but next Saturday, I would love to do it as a full choral piece. As a reminder, you are all invited to party with us as our Joel makes his first Communion next Saturday on May 9, at 5pm.  Pat Powers will be leading the music that evening, but I will go back and lead the singing of the Ave Verum Corpus (as well as helping with the prelude and other things).  Whoever can come and sing on that Saturday, please do so, and we greatly appreciate it! My extended family will be in town for the first time since I moved here, and I would like to show off the choir to them!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

For Sunday, April 26, 2015

Good Shepherd Sunday

Here is the lineup for this coming weekend:
SEP Introit
Alleluia Alleluia Let the Holy Anthem Rise 76/298
At the Lambs High Feast 74/290
SEP Communion Easter IV
Shepherd of Souls 373/549
Alleluia! Alleluia!  75/284

Also At Rehearsal on Thursday at 7pm in the Edrich Room

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

For Sunday, April 19, 2015


Prelude:  Simple English Proper Introit for Easter III "

Entrance:546/380 All Creatures of Our God and King

Offertory:79/291 Be Joyful, Mary

Communion:  Simple English Proper Communion Chant for Easter III - 328/526 Gift of finest wheat

742/324 Alleluia, Sing to Jesus!

And here is a video of Tallis' "If Ye Love Me," which we will be singing for Easter IV.  I'll have sheet music for anyone who needs it at rehearsal.  Take a listen and enjoy.  See you all Thursday evening at 7pm in the sanctuary for rehearsal.  Thank you - John